

The Ultimate Competitive Advantage

What is your most Valuable and Effective Competitive Advantage?
  • It is not the bricks and the sticks or the designs and the blueprints.
  • It is not the fancy computers or the state of the art Sales offices.
  • It is not the elaborate financing plans or the flash enabled web sites that make Your Company successful.
  • It is simply, the PEOPLE that make Your Company Successful.

People are Your Competitive Advantage

The questions that each business Owner, Manager or Supervisor must answer with their words and their deeds are:
  • Do I treat my people as short term resources or long term assets?
  • Do I consume them or develop them?
  • Do they do their jobs better today because of me or in spite of me?
  • How much do I really care about my people? What am I willing to sacrifice for their success?
  • What do I do that would cause my people to "choose" to follow me?
  • Are you investing your time and treasure in your People or are you spending it on the Things of business?


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