The Tree

Getting ’em

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It all Starts with getting the correct “Building Blocks”.

Do we really know and understand what are the necessary skill sets for a particular job?
Do we recognize and accept the individuals “fit” for a specific job?

Access to a reservoir of these, “Right People,” is a must.
  • Do you have a Personnel net-work that you regularly tap into?
  • Do you solicit prospective candidates even when you do not have an opening?

Interviewing is a very specific skill.
  • Do you interview even when you do not have an opening to make sure you keep your skills sharp?

Interview Questions

Accomplishments are only the outcomes. It is not just the outcome that maters, it is HOW you got to the outcome. What he/she has done is not as important as who he/she is as a person. Does their culture "fit"?

You must be very careful not to telegraph the type of response that you are looking for during the interview. We invest the vast majority of most days trying to get people to agree with us. Most communications between individuals are geared to get someone to go along with our ideas. The higher up the food chain you go the truer that is. Keep the questions open in form. “Tell me about Give me and example of What specific actions would you take in X circumstance Give me another example of Y In Z situation what are the various options that you would look at Weigh each of the options for me Use the case study method of interviewing. Tell him a story and ask how he would analyze the situation. What you want to figure out is how he thinks and what are his values (those things that he will not compromise).

Stick to the comprehensive interview technique and do not be afraid to force an issue that is of interest to you. Follow Up questions are the key to getting past the façade that all candidates put up.

Set Up Questions
Remember, it is the follow-up question, to the follow-up question, to the follow-up question that will determine the quality and thus the value of the information you glean from the interview.

  1. Tell me about the best boss you have ever had…Why does that make them the best…Give me examples of their activities…
  2. Tell me about the worst boss you have ever had…Why does that make them the worst…Give me examples of their activities…
  3. Tell me about the best employee you have ever had…Why does that make them the best…Give me examples of their activities…
  4. Tell me about the worst employee you have ever had…Why does that make them the worst…Give me examples of their activities…
  5. Best day at work… Actions and activities?
  6. Worst day at work… Actions and activities?
  7. What are you most proud of on your resume? Why?
  8. If you could take one thing off of your resume what would that be? Why?
  9. What do your friends say about you?
  10. What do your enemies say about you?
  11. I am sure that you have had to terminate some people in you carrier what would they say about you?
  12. Some people that have worked for you over the years have quit, what would they say about you?
  13. I am sure that you were giving this interview some thought last night what were you hoping that this job would be like?
  14. What about a job would cause you to take it even if it was 25K less than you wanted?
  15. What could there be in a job that would cause you to turn down a job that was 25K more than you wanted? (excluding immoral and illegal activities)
  16. There are some days that you can not wait to get to work what is going to happen on those days? Specific details… Why?
  17. There are some days that you would just as soon not go into work, days that you dread, what is going to happen on those days? Specific Details… Why?
  18. How many people that have worked for you have gone on to middle and upper management positions? Describe them… Describe your development plan for each of these individuals.
  19. Of all the individuals that have worked for you over the years who are you most proud of? Why? Details…
  20. Of all the individuals that have worked for you over the years who are you most disappointed in? Why?
  21. What would your secretary say about you? What would she change? Add, delete? What would your prior secretary say? And the one before that?
  22. Explain the difference between leadership, management and supervision?
  23. What is your management philosophy? Explain. Give examples…
  24. Who would you say is your business hero? Why?
  25. Who was and is your mentor? What part did they play in your success?
  26. What is the most difficult aspect of your current job? Second most difficult, Third most difficult, forth most difficult?
  27. Detail for me the first day on a new job. Hour by hour.
  28. Detail for me the first week on a new job. Day by day.
  29. How, when do you schedule your time? Day, Week, Month, Quarter?
  30. May I see a copy of your weekly schedule. How do you follow up on the activities of your schedule?
  31. When you hire a new team member tell me about the process. (checking to see if there is any set up for the new employee, set up to fail, or set up to succeed)
  32. Tell me about how you conduct an employee review. Frequency, content, purpose. As detailed as is possible…
  33. What does success look like to you? (is it more than numbers)
  34. What does failure look like? (will he admit failure or will he externalize)
  35. What person has been most influential in your success over the years? Who else? Who else? What have you learned form each?
  36. What is the toughest lesson that you have had to learn? How did you learn it?
  37. In your mind what are the steps that lead up to the termination of an employee?
  38. If I got a group of your people in a room what would they say that you stand for?
  39. What do you do that would make an individual want to work for you as opposed to another manager in the same company?
  40. What would you say that are your ten commandments? What are your pet peeves? Small things that make you very happy or very mad?
  41. Describe the last time that you were mad at work. Details. (looking for how he handled it)
  42. Describe the last time you were very happy with one of your employees.
Remember, it is the follow-up question, to the follow-up question, to the follow-up question that will determine the quality and thus the value of the information you glean from the interview.